
Renders the full table.

type useReactTable = <TData extends AnyData>(
  options: TableOptions<TData>
) => Table<TData>
type useReactTable = <TData extends AnyData>(
  options: TableOptions<TData>
) => Table<TData>

API Options


data: TData[]
data: TData[]

The array data to be displayed in the table.

Note: Make sure to provide an inline [] to avoid re-rendering the table when the data changes.


columns: ColumnDef < TData, TValue > []
columns: ColumnDef < TData, TValue > []

The array of columns to be displayed in the table. Here type TValue = unknown.

Note: Make sure to memoize this array with the useMemo hook.


defaultColumn?: Partial<ColumnDef<TData, unknown>>
defaultColumn?: Partial<ColumnDef<TData, unknown>>

The optional default column definition.


initialState?: Partial<
  VisibilityTableState &
  ColumnOrderTableState &
  ColumnPinningTableState &
  FiltersTableState &
  SortingTableState &
  ExpandedTableState &
  GroupingTableState &
  ColumnSizingTableState &
  PaginationTableState &
initialState?: Partial<
  VisibilityTableState &
  ColumnOrderTableState &
  ColumnPinningTableState &
  FiltersTableState &
  SortingTableState &
  ExpandedTableState &
  GroupingTableState &
  ColumnSizingTableState &
  PaginationTableState &

Note: Table state will not be reset when this object changes, which also means that the initial state object does not need to be stable.


state?: {
  sorting?: SortingState;
  columnFilters?: ColumnFiltersState;
  pagination?: PaginationState;
  columnVisibility?: VisibilityState;
  globalFilter?: string;
state?: {
  sorting?: SortingState;
  columnFilters?: ColumnFiltersState;
  pagination?: PaginationState;
  columnVisibility?: VisibilityState;
  globalFilter?: string;

The optional table state object if you want to control the state of the table. This state object will be merged with the internal state object. This state is used to implement pagination, sorting, filtering, etc.


setSorting?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<SortingState>>
setSorting?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<SortingState>>

The optional sorting state setter is needed if you want to control the sorting state of the table. Server-side sorting can be implemented by providing a custom setter.


manualSorting?: boolean;
manualSorting?: boolean;

This allows you to set your own sorting logic and bypass the sorting logic of the table. This is useful if you want to implement server-side sorting.


setColumnFilters?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<ColumnFiltersState>>
setColumnFilters?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<ColumnFiltersState>>

The optional column filters state setter is needed if you want to control the column filters state of the table. Server-side filtering can be implemented by providing a custom setter.


manualFiltering?: boolean
manualFiltering?: boolean

This allows you to set your own filtering logic and bypass the filtering logic of the table. This is useful if you want to implement server-side filtering.


setPagination?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<PaginationState>>
setPagination?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<PaginationState>>

The optional pagination state setter is needed if you want to control the pagination state of the table. Server-side pagination can be implemented by providing a custom setter.


manualPagination?: boolean
manualPagination?: boolean

This allows you to set your own pagination logic and bypass the pagination logic of the table. This is useful if you want to implement server-side pagination.


hidePaginationBar?: boolean
hidePaginationBar?: boolean

This allows you to hide the pagination bar of the table.


setColumnVisibility?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<VisibilityState>>
setColumnVisibility?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<VisibilityState>>

The optional column visibility state setter is needed if you want to control the column visibility state of the table.


setGlobalFilter?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<string>>
setGlobalFilter?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<string>>

The optional global filter state setter is needed if you want to control the global filter state of the table.


disableColumnVisibility?: boolean
disableColumnVisibility?: boolean

This allows you to disable the column visibility.


disableGlobalFilter?: boolean
disableGlobalFilter?: boolean

This allows you to disable the global filter.


itemsCount?: number
itemsCount?: number

The optional items count is needed if you want to display the items count in the table.


showFooter?: boolean
showFooter?: boolean

This allows you to show or hide the footer of the table.


  headerCell: ({ children, props }) => (
    <th {...props} className="bg-muted-foreground">
  headerCell: ({ children, props }) => (
    <th {...props} className="bg-muted-foreground">

Renderers can be used to customized your table. These are basically functions that return fully customizable JSX elements.

The following renderers are available:

These renderers will be discussed in more detail in the Renderers section.


  • Table - TanStack Table v8 Docs